IAP MoVES | The Belgium IAP (Interuniversity Attraction Poles) MoVES (Fundamental Issues in Software Engineering: Modeling, Verification and Evolution of Software) is a project whose partners are the belgium universities (VUB, KUL, UA, UCB, ULB, FUNDP, ULg, UMH) and three European institutes (INRIA, IC and TUD) espectively from France, Great Britain and Netherlands. This consortium combines the leading Belgian research teams and their neighbors in software engineering, with recognized scientific excellence in MDE, software evolution, formal modeling and verification and AOSD. The long term objective of our network is to strengthen existing collaborations and forge new links between those teams, and to leverage and disseminate our research expertise in this domain at a European level. The project focusses in the development, integration and extension of state-of-the-art languages, formalisms and techniques for modeling and verifying dependable software systems and supporting the evolution of Software-intensive systems. The project will start in January 2007 and is scheduled for a 60-months period. |
 | OW2 (previously ObjectWeb) is an international consortium to promote high quality open source middleware. The vision of OW2 is that of a set of components which can be assembled to offer high quality middleware. We are member of this consortium and Philippe Merle is member of the ObjectWeb College of Architects. Our software projects AOKell, Fraclet, Fractal Explorer, FraSCAti, GoTM, JAC, and OpenCCM are hosted by the consortium. |
 | The Working Group (WG) on Software Evolution is one of the many working groups supported by ERCIM. The main goal of the WG is to identify a set of formally-founded techniques and associated tools to support software developers with the common problems they encounter when evolving large and complex software systems. With this initiative, the WG plans to become a Virtual European Research and Training Centre on Software Evolution. We are active members of this WG. We have organized ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution, 6 and 7 April 2006 at Lille and we will participate to the organization of the symposium in 2007. Maja D’Hondt and Ellen Van Paesschen had an ERCIM post-doc grant. In 2007, ADAM team accommodates Tom Mens, U. Mons, person in charge of this WG. |