Jonathan Labéjof (PhD Student CIFRE Thales - 10/09 to 12/12) (now with OWI)
Diego Mendez (Master Inter - UNICEN, Argentina - 06/12 to 11/12)
Daniel René Fouomene Pewo (Master Intern - U. Yaoundé, Cameroun - 05/12 to 10/12)
Norha Villegas (Visiting Scientist - U. of Victoria, Canada - October 2012, May 2011, June 2010)
Gabriel Tamura (PhD Student co-supervision with U. Los Andes Bogota Colombia, Visiting Scientist U. ICESI Cali Colombia - 09/09 to 05/12, October 2012)
2013/12/09: Ceremony for the PRES ULNF International Research Thesis Award 2013 granted to Gabriel Tamura for his PhD Thesis - U. Lille 1, Building P3, Maxwell Amphitheater
2013/12/05: Rémi Druilhe PhD defense
2013/11/27: Maria Gomez Lacruz received the Best Poster Award at the Welcome PhD session organized by PRES UNLF