@INPROCEEDINGS{Plsek07-ECOOP-AmbFractal, author = {Aleš Plšek, Philippe Merle, Lionel Seinturier}, month = {July}, date = {July 25-30}, location = {Berlin, Germany}, year = 2007, title = {Ambient-Oriented Programming in Fractal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the $3^{rd}$ Workshop on Object Technology for Ambient Intelligence at ECOOP}, publisher = {}, editor = {}, language = {english}, kind = {}, abstract = {Ambient-Oriented Programming (AmOP) comprises a suite of challenges that are hard to meet by current software development techniques. Although Component-Oriented Programming (COP) represents promising approach, the state-of-the-art component models do not provide sufficient adaptability towards specific constraints of the Ambient field. In this position paper we argue that merging AmOP and COP can be achieved by introducing the Fractal component model and its new feature : Component-Based Controlling Membranes. The proposed solution allows dynamical adaptation of component systems towards the challenges of the Ambient world.} }