

Une infrastructure composants pour des applications ubiquitaires. Areski Flissi, Christophe Gransart and Philippe Merle. In 2nde conf�rence Ubiquit� et Mobilit� (UbiMob 2005), pages 45-48, Grenoble, France, June 2005.

Bibtex entry

@INPROCEEDINGS { flissi-ubimob-05,
    AUTHOR = { Areski Flissi and Christophe Gransart and Philippe Merle },
    TITLE = { Une infrastructure composants pour des applications ubiquitaires },
    BOOKTITLE = { 2nde conf\'erence Ubiquit\'e et Mobilit\'e (UbiMob 2005) },
    ADDRESS = { Grenoble, France },
    PAGES = { 45--48 },
    MONTH = { jun },
    YEAR = { 2005 },
    WEBSITE = { ubimob05.imag.fr/ },
    LONGNOTES = { 20050601 },
    GROUPS = { national,jacquard,mosaiques,conference },
    LASTNAME = { Flissi },
    DATEADDED = { 2007-03-26 },
    LASTDATEMODIFIED = { 2007-03-26 },
    AERES = { ACT },
    LABO = { dans },


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