

JAC : An Aspect-based Distributed Dynamic Framework. Renaud Pawlak, Lionel Seinturier, Laurence Duchien, G. Florin, F. Legond-Aubry and L. Martelli. Software Practise and Experience (SPE), 34(12):1119-1148, October 2004.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { pawlak-spe-04,
    AUTHOR = { Renaud Pawlak and Lionel Seinturier and Laurence Duchien and G. Florin and F. Legond-Aubry and L. Martelli },
    TITLE = { JAC : An Aspect-based Distributed Dynamic Framework },
    JOURNAL = { Software Practise and Experience (SPE) },
    VOLUME = { 34 },
    NUMBER = { 12 },
    PAGES = { 1119-1148 },
    PUBLISHER = { Wiley },
    YEAR = { 2004 },
    MONTH = { oct },
    LONGNOTES = { 20041001 },
    GROUPS = { international,jacquard,mosaiques,JOURNAL },
    LASTNAME = { Pawlak },
    DATEADDED = { 2007-03-26 },
    LASTDATEMODIFIED = { 2007-03-26 },
    AERES = { ACL },
    LABO = { dans },


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